Before SCE

SCE In Progress

After SCE

Before SCE
Black Mountain Golf Course
Town of Black Mountain,
Black Mountain, NC
Small tributary of the Tomahawk Branch of Swannanoa River needed to be moved back to the natural location due to artificial channeling in 1928 when the course was constructed. Over years, this created significant erosion and destabilized area around the channel.
Tributary was moved back to the natural flow path. We fixed the issue by grading and re-planting river banks as well as accentuating the meanders. This slowed the flow speed and corrected the years of erosion.

Before SCE

Before SCE

After SCE

Before SCE
Lake Tomahawk Sediment and Dredging Project
Town of Black Mountain
Black Mountain, NC
The inflow of Tomahawk Lake was rapidly undermining the foundation of a well-used pedestrian bridge and accelerating sediment buildup in the lake downstream. Left unchecked, this process would destabilize the bridge, degrade aquatic habitats, and reduce water clarity.
We installed an armored bridge footer with tiered boulder system to divert flow away from the foundation of the bridge. We built a cross vane to concentrate water flow into the center of the channel. The cross vane also serves to back up the flow before Lake Tomahawk which drops the sediment. Benches installed on both sides of the dredging area to allow for hydraulic dredging.

Before SCE

Before SCE

After SCE

Before SCE
Bank Stabilization on Flat Creek
Town of Black Mountain
Black Mountain, NC
Moderate rain and flood events were destabilizing the parking lot and causing flood damage to the nearby buildings.
We installed a boulder toe with soil lifts made of coir logs to stabilize the bank and shield area from water intrusion. Log vane installed in the creek to divert energy away from the banks and into the center of the channel.

Before SCE

In progress with SCE

After SCE

Before SCE
McClure's Bog receives runoff from a 26-acre sub-watershed leading to its ecological degradation.
We constructed a series of tiered basins to store rainfall and slow its infiltration into the soil. After we completed the final grading, we then planted the area with a diverse suite of native herbs, shrubs, and tree species to ensure a vibrant ecosystem could thrive in the newly restored habitat.

Before SCE

During SCE

After SCE

Before SCE
Big Lost Cove Creek Stabilization
Headwaters Engineering
Asheville, NC
High water events had eroded the river bank over time, exposing and compromising the cabin foundation. This issue would have subjected the foundation to failure.
We installed a boulder toe with soil lifts made of coir logs to stabilize the bank and protect the area from high-velocity water flow. We then planted the bank with live-stake native plants for additional stabilization and enviornmental restoration.

Swannanoa River Bank Stabilization
Headwaters Engineering
Asheville, NC near Biltmore Village
The bank on a stretch of the Swannanoa River had been nearly washed away due to Hurricane Helene. This washed out river bank compromised nearby infrastructure.
We installed a boulder and rock toe as well as soil lifts made from compact coir logs to ensure river bank stabilization and protect from any future high-water events. We also reconstructed some of the infrastructure that was compromised during the storm.